Steve's contribution to our community
Created by Paul 3 years ago
I worked with Steve for 15 or so years. He was a cracking public realm designer (Sidcup High Street was Steve's work) with a vast amount of experience and sensitivity to the environment. But I remember Steve most for his road safety work. Throughout his career he must have carried out around 1000 road safety audit, but how does this help the community? International studies estimate that each road safety audit saves one road accident for each year the scheme being audited lasts. So each audit could save, say, 10 accidents where people would otherwise have been injured. If each accident resulted in a casualty with only slight injuries, Steve would have saved 10,000 slight casualties. The Health and Safety Executive estimates that the cost saving to the community of 100 slight injury accidents is the same as 10 serious injury accidents and the same as 1 fatal injury accident. The Department for Transport estimates that a fatal accident costs the community approximately £2million, so Steve has saved the UK community 100 lives, each one valued at £2million, or £200million pounds in total. What a fantastic contribution to our community!